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Asset Protection Intensive with Case Studies


Suitable for advanced level Accountants and Planners In this session Grant Abbott, Australia's leading strategist, author and educator will look at advanced Asset Protection strategies with attention to a detailed case study. In this session we will be taking what we learned in the SAPEPAA Adviser course to the next level. We will be looking at what to do with UPEs, considering building two Family Protection Trusts, reviewing Bosanac and the dangers it brings plus why trust distributions are now asset protection minefields for accountants! Plenty of material, strategies and case studies. $5 of all ticket sales donated to The Black Dog Institute. To find out more, click here. DIFFICULTY: Medium to High CPD: 3.5 hours - SAPEPAA, TPB and CAANZ plus 1 hour Professionalism, 1 Hour client care and 1.5hours technical

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